Top quality humanized content that’s easy to edit, a content writer’s dream

Try lots of content for free, then Pay As You Go

Pick from several options, test with GptZero, edit in minutes instead of hours

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Humanize creates the closest match to your original content and is almost always the best option.


Humanize Plus is for more difficult AI content, it does additional processing and may modify your content.


Humanized Content (0 characters, 0 words, 0 sentences)

Human: %

Mixed: %

AI: %

Test this Option with GptZero

Cost: 0 Tokens

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How it works

Paste your text into the Input Content Area and click the Humanize button. You will see a pop-up showing how many tokens you will be charged. Click OK to proceed. The humanized text will appear in the Humanized Content Area and should pass all AI detectors. There are 4 different versions (options).

If you select an option and click the Test this Option with GptZero button, you will see statistics from GptZero including the percentage of human, mixed, and AI content. The GptZero Test button shows how many tokens the test will cost. Test all 4 options and then select one. Don't always pick the most human option as it may be harder to edit.

Humanizers Holy Grail

The holy grail of humanizers is to create text similar in meaning to the original text that takes minutes to edit and passes the best AI detectors (GptZero). That's exactly what ours does, and it's why we give you enough free tokens when you register to test it thoroughly.

Most humanizers either fail GptZero. Or they pass, but create a lot of nonsense that takes hours to edit. Usually, the edited text will then fail the best AI detectors. This may be why they only allow you a few test words before getting you to commit to regular payments.

With us, it's Pay As You Go. We are confident you will continue to use us, so we won't try to bind you to a regular payment.

For now, our output is text only. You may lose links and HTML formatting. So we provide an HTML editor that lets you easily re-create your web content.

You can use our built-in GptZero detector or your own. We have to charge you for our built-in analysis because they charge us, and it's more expensive than their online one.

Use Grammarly or another grammar tool to correct any errors and, unlike other humanizers, you will almost always increase your human score.

Pay As You Go

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